
I’m Kristin.  I have a real website for my work and a real blog where I post my poetry, short fiction, general snark, and observations about life.  This blog is to keep track/keep pressure on my fitness efforts.  

My goal is to improve my health by losing ~20 pounds and becoming more fit.  Not that I’m drastically overweight, but I’ve put on a bit this fall and holiday season and I want to get at least back to where I was before and then some.  I will be eating healthily as well –  more whole grains, smaller portions, less bacon – and drinking less – one small bottle of vodka per week instead of a beer or two per day – but I’m not going to keep track of that here.  Writing obsessively about what you eat is just weird.  My plan here is to record the exercise I do every day.  This is my exercise plan:

On days when I walk the dogs first thing in the morning:
– 30 minute walk with the dogs
– Short yoga (15-20 minutes)

On days when I don’t:
– Cardio (jumping rope until the snow melts, then jogging)
– Long yoga (20-30 minutes)

It’s easy and sustainable, and I already do yoga anyway, so there’s no reason other than basic laziness to fail.  I should be posting daily.  That’s the plan.  Please leave comments or send me guilt trippy emails if you notice me falling behind.

Starting at the end of January I will weigh myself once a week and post the result if it isn’t too painful. I’m not starting now because a) I don’t own a scale and b) I don’t want to know just yet.  I’m giving it a month so I can get back to where I was before.

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